


The information and data contained on this website (www.columbiasummerprogram.org) are provided by the Leiden-Amsterdam-Columbia Summer Program and may be used for informational purposes only.

While the Leiden-Amsterdam-Columbia Summer Program will do its utmost to keep the content of this website accurate and reliable, the Leiden-Amsterdam-Columbia Summer Program cannot guarantee the accuracy, validity or reliability of the content. Information on this site may or may not be current as of the date of your access. The user should always check for confirmation of the accuracy of the information on this website with the relevant authorising body of the Leiden-Amsterdam-Columbia Summer Program.

Furthermore, the Leiden-Amsterdam-Columbia Summer Program reserves the right to change, without notice, any statements concerning, but not limited to, rules, policies, tuition fees, curricula and courses.

This website also provides links to other websites. The Leiden-Amsterdam-Columbia Summer Program makes no representation whatsoever regarding the content of any other websites which you may access from this website. The Leiden-Amsterdam-Columbia Summer Program has no control over the content of these websites and cannot guarantee the reliability or accuracy of any information linked externally.